Freddy Sawyer - Moringa TreeThe Moringa or Miracle tree is cultivated in Africa and India for its nutritional benefits. It contains 7 times the vitamin C of oranges, 4 times the vitamin A of carrots, 4 times the calcium of milk, 3 times the potassium of bananas, and 2 times the protein of yogurt. Moringa can grow in a range of environments from dry grasslands to lush forests, making it a highly valuable nutritional staple for developing countries.

To learn more about Moringa, its cultivation, nutritional potency and water purification abilities, watch this insightful video produced by Village Volunteer Freddie Sawyer.

Freddy SawyerThe Miracle Tree – A Guide to Cultivating the Moringa from Freddie Sawyer on Vimeo.

Freddie Sawyer is a student of ecology, conservation, minimalism, yoga, and nature. He produced this video documentary for Village Volunteers, a nonprofit organization fighting malnutrition and poverty across the globe.  He was asked to complete this video as part of a community learning experience for a conservation project for my Winter 2011 Conservation Biology class with Martha Groom. The intention is to inform a wide audience of the benefits of Moringa oleifera as a nutritional supplement and broaden awareness into the importance of sustainable ecological practices to conserve the earths remaining wilderness.